If you take a close look at the outlets you encounter every day, you will see that there are different types. For starters, some outlets are grounded—you can tell the difference by how many prongs the outlet can accept. Most modern outlets are of the grounded, three–prong type, but there are homes that still have some older outlets that are not grounded.
Other outlets may be protected, either by means of a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI), or an arc–fault circuit–interrupter (AFCI). Each of these outlets provides a greater degree of protection than a regular outlet, but each protects against different potential dangers. GFCI outlets are designed to prevent human electrocution by tripping a small circuit breaker any time it detects that it is "getting back" less electricity through the neutral prong than is going out through the "hot" prong. These outlets are common in bathrooms and kitchens, and in some municipalities are required by law to be installed in certain areas of the home.
AFCI outlets are designed to prevent fire caused by heat. The circuit breaker concept is the same as in a GFCI outlet, just triggered differently. AFCI outlets are now required by law to be installed in bedrooms in many areas. A&J Electric can help update your home with the most current products to be within code or for peace of mind.
Every day, you interact with any number of switches and outlets, using them to light a room or charge up your cell phone. These outlets and switches are wired into your home’s electrical system as part of a circuit.
This circuit is a closed loop that allows electricity to travel out from the source, along the wiring to any receptacle or other component within the circuit before connecting back to the source. Because of the nature of electricity, it cannot be conducted unless the circuit is closed, meaning that the connection is being made back to the source.
This is the concept behind the safety provided by circuit breakers and fuses, which interrupt the circuit when too much current flows through them in order to prevent the strain on the circuit from growing too great. A&J Electric can inspect to ensure that your electrical system is running effectively and efficiently.
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